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Auxiliary Meeting
Tuesday, April 05, 2022, 06:30pm - 08:30pm
Hits : 591
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Field Trip to St. Ann Center

Sr. Edna Lonergan, founder and president of St. Ann Center, is hosting the Auxiliary for a tour of the Bay View/ St. Francis campus followed by wine and cheese and an abbreviated business meeting.  Come and learn about St. Ann’s mission and see some of the unique jewelry pieces designed by Sr. Edna as a way to raise funds.   Shopping time is included.  All proceeds go directly to support the young, elderly and people with disabilities who come to St. Ann Center. 

RSVP is required by Tuesday, March 22nd to SSYC Office 414-481-2331.

A bus with 30-person capacity will provide round-trip transport.  
Pickup time is 6:35 p.m. from SSYC.

If we have more interest than the bus can hold, carpooling is encouraged.

Also, if you have any jewelry you would like to donate, bring them along to
St. Ann Center.  The items will be cleaned, repaired, sorted and organized by
volunteers at St. Ann’s, then included in their jewelry sales held throughout the
year to benefit those who are served at the Center.

Note:  Next meeting is Tuesday, May 3 – Life Members & Past Presidents Dinner.



South Shore Yacht Club
2300 E Nock Street
Milwaukee, WI 53207
(414) 481-2331
